We are a small legal firm dedicated to ensuring your legal needs are met with the utmost care and precision. We strive to provide dedicated service to and communication with our clients. Client service is the cornerstone of our practice and our commitment to open communication ensures that you’re informed and involved throughout the process.

In the realm of real estate, we will guide you through the complexities of property transactions. Whether you’re buying, selling, or refinancing, we offer tailored advice to protect your interests and help you through the process.


For estate planning, including wills and powers of attorney, we provide a compassionate and personalized approach. We recognize the importance of securing your legacy and ensuring your wishes are honoured, while also protecting your interests in case of unforeseen circumstances. We also provide services in regard to estate administration with a view to ensuring that your wishes are fulfilled pursuant to your last will and testament.

At Banbury Law, we endeavor to provide legal representation with a personal touch, prioritizing open communication and client service in all areas, from real estate and business transactions to wills and estate planning and administration. Your peace of mind is our mission and we’re here to help and guide you every step of the way.

Awareness Of
Client Needs

Banbury Law endeavors to get to the root of client concerns and to tailor advice to each client as a unique experience.

Detail-Oriented And
Thorough Legal Services

As legal documents impose legal obligations once the terms and conditions have been negotiated and agreed upon, it is important that a thorough and detail-oriented review of such documentation is undertaken with the client. Banbury Law will offer advice in regard to the specifics of a pending transaction or contract and the rights, duties, obligations, liability and potential risk relevant to the terms and conditions of such documentation.


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Call Now: (905) 877 5252